01 October 2012

Ischgl, Austria - April, 2012

Traveled to Ischgl, Austria, for the bluest of blue bird days during the first week of my month long trip to Europe this past April and May.  I was delighted to discover that Austria pulled down nearly two feet of snow 48 hours before my planned trip.  Although I figured much of it would be skied off by the time I got there, I held out faint hope that it was late enough in the season I could still find some great, untouched lines.

(example of a great untouched line)

The plan was actually to go to St. Anton am Arlberg, the cradle of modern skiing.  I found an unbelievable lodging deal in the center of the famous ski town, and set off on the 3 hour train ride from Luzern.  When I arrived in St. Anton on a Tuesday evening, however, I was shocked to find the town abandoned.  I went to check into my hotel, and I was told the ski area had closed for the season two days earlier, even though they had a massive base and just pulled in nearly 2 feet of snow!  I guess everyone is spoiled by skiing in the Alps, so no one comes after mid April even though there is still great skiing. 

Anyway, I managed to figure out that I could take two 45 minute bus rides to Ischgl, which was still open.  So I set the alarm for 5:30 a.m. and crossed my fingers I would figure out the bus system without issue. 

(me waiting for a connecting bus next to a gas station in Austria - aprox. 6:45 a.m.)

Amazingly, it worked out perfectly, and I had a bright, bright blue bird day (so bright the videos are pretty washed out, but that is a recurring theme with the Contour) and unlimited untracked powder.  The only downsides were that I was skiing on my own, and all my advance back/side country research was for St. Anton, so I was mostly confined to in-bounds skiing.  Didn't matter though - was still an awesome day.

Enjoy the video!  Two more to come this week, but this is probably the best of the bunch.

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