27 January 2013

Chalk Creek, Colorado - January 19, 2013

Law school roommate celebrated his 30th last weekend in Vail, CO - didn't take much arm twisting to get me to go along.  The last time I went skiing in Colorado was when I was about 8 years old - I wish I could dig up some pictures of me in that neon ski gear (with a head band!)  But the goal is to get readers to come back to this blog, so let's just say I conveniently can't find the evidence.

Anyway - given the average holiday weekend lift ticket at Vail is almost equal to the down payment I made on my condo, we decided to try and get into the back country while we were out there.  Since we had zero knowledge about the snow pack, we found ourselves a guide (plug for Apex - they did a pretty solid job) and headed to Chalk Creek, an area off of I-70 about 35 minutes south east of Vail.  Turns out the guide was pretty unnecessary - there was no snow pack so not much to be concerned about - but they at least showed us a solid area we never would have found otherwise, and one of the guides stories about being a heli-skiing guide in Alaska kept us pretty entertained, to say the least. 

10 January 2013

Mt. Cardigan - January 6, 2013

First, I would like to take a moment to welcome Chris to the sport of skiing.  Chris is excited to strap on some planks for the first time this winter and from what I understand, he really enjoys reading this blog.  Welcome, Chris!

Second, I want to share some equally exciting news.  I'm the proud owner of a Go Pro.  Finally, at long last, this website will have some watchable video.  I expect there will be a learning curve as I try out different mounts and different resolutions, but even the worse Go Pro video is a massive upgrade over the narrow FOV offered by my old Contour.