06 November 2016

Mt. Flume and Mt. Liberty - Nov. 5, 2016

Great hike with Scott and Ryan on Nov. 5, 2016.   Had tried to ski Mt. Flume slide before but failed to access the slide without crampons.  This time we thought we would just hike the trail and take a look from the top to better prepare for ski season, but even following the actual hiking trail proved challenging with low visibility and light snowfall!  We ended up bushwhacking for an hour before finding the slide and scrambling up.  Hike went according to plan from then on.

Skiing that slide is going to be epic one day, if I have energy left to actually ski after accessing it!  It will be a haul to get in there with skis and up onto the slide!

Enjoy the pics!

01 November 2016

Mt. Hight, Carter Dome, & Carter Notch - Oct. 1, 2016

The blog lives!  Scott and I headed north the weekend of Oct. 1.  Originally were considering a Bond loop, but increasing predictions of rain and clouds all weekend lead us to plan on exploring some of the mountain bike trails in North Conway instead.   Once we arrived up there around 9 a.m., however, we found the weather looked much more favorable than 24 hours before so we called an audible and did a Hight/Carter loop.  A promising slide we found up there may bring us back this winter ....

A few pics for your viewing pleasure:

Looking at Carter Dome from Mt. Hight

Looking down into Carter Notch from Carter Dome