07 November 2015

Pre-Season Stoke - Mt. Washington 2015 Spring Edit

Took about six months to cobble this footage together from 3 trips to Mt. Washington this spring with Scott after I recovered from the hematoma issue.  And ... something went wrong in the rendering process, so the resolution is pretty terrible unless you watch it on your phone.  Seems to be fine if you stream it on your phone in a place with a good internet connection though, so strongly recommend watching it that way because it is probably the best movie so far. 

Great mtn. biking so far this fall- but looking forward to the first snow of the year!

07 September 2015

Presidential Traverse - September 5, 2015

Scott and completed the Presidential Traverse (Appalachia to Crawford Notch) on Saturday, September 5, 2015.  Some kind of hike.  Approx 23 miles over 14 hours w 9,000 feet of elevation gaine.  Enjoy the pics.

Nice night sleeping in the bed of Scott's truck.  Way more trucks driving along Rte 2 then expected.  Made 3:45 a.m. alarm a little less pleasant. 

Scott at the summit of Madison w Washington (a little past the 1/2 way point) way in the distance to the left. 

28 May 2015

Great Gulf - May 17, 2015

Swan song for the season.  Great day in Great Gulf.  Three runs up and down Airplane.  Pipeline was out unfortunately.  Scott took a few runs on the snow fields at the end, but I was gassed and just took in the views.

A few pics to enjoy:


03 May 2015

Oakes Gulf - May 2, 2015

Great day up in Oakes Gulf with Scott.  Skinned up the ART to the summit of Mt. Monroe.  Technically, I skinned almost the whole way, but even with ski crampons, it was really steep.  Basically it felt like I was doing dips up the mountain.  Skied the Monroe snow field, then over to double barrel.  Skinned up Central, ate lunch and met up with Josh and Chad for a bit.  Then Scott and I head over to ski one of the three stooges before meeting back up with Josh and Chad and descending Monroe Brook - all the way to the car!  Took a bit of video but no video editing software at the moment so just pictures for now.  Enjoy!

Scott outside of Lakes of Clouds Hut

Looking over at the Summit of Mt. Washington from Lakes of the Clouds Hut

22 April 2015

Dutchess, Oakes, & GOS - April 19, 2015

Perfect spring day on Sunday, April 19, 2015.  Scott, his brother and I headed up to Mt. Washington bright and early (left Portsmouth before 5 a.m.) and enjoyed one of our longer tours, knocking off Dutchess (not quite continuous), Oakes (airplane gully?), and the Gulf of Slides (#2) on the way out.  GOST was in rough shape at the bottom and legs were shaking by then, result was a bath in a stream with about 15 minutes to go.  Great day on the whole, can't wait to get back to Oakes in particular which looks to be a special place.  Here are a few pictures - Enjoy!

Looking out over Tucks towards the Summit from the top of Dutchess

12 April 2015

Wachusett Ski Area - April 12, 2015

Five weeks and three days later: Back on the horse.  Two aggressive laps up Wachusett with a full load on a beautiful Sunday morning before the lifts started turning at 8 a.m.  Snow was not great, but it doesn't matter, just wanted to get the blood moving and test my butt's strength before returning to George next weekend.

17 March 2015

Duffey Lake & Keith Hut - March 1-4, 2015

Scott, Kyle and I met in Vancouver and headed north to the Keith Hut for parts of four days and three nights in the backcountry and then drove back down to Whistler for three days of lift-serve skiing.  Great trip, apart from the fact B.C. has endured a historically bad year for snow fall and I tripped on a cat track at Whistler and developed a hematoma in my right butt.  Planning, packing, and executing the back country portion of the trip was really fun, and it was nice to completely unplug in the hut for a while.  And big thanks to Jason, who despite being really sick managed to show us the way to Keith Hut before heading back home.  Now if that hematoma would just heal a bit faster so I could get back out there! 

Below are some pictures from the trip and here is a link to an epic 12 minute video documenting our time in the hut.  Enjoy!

Kyle is a bit of a grumpy cat in the mornings.

What happens at Keith Hut stays at Keith Hut. 

22 February 2015

OMG Gnarl Something - February 21, 2015

Scott and I bumped into RR in the parking area for OMG Gnarl Something.  Very glad we did - made for a great touring partner and guide.

Enjoy the pics and video!

21 February 2015

10 February 2015

Cannon - February 7, 2015

Took my dad to Cannon on a powder day for his birthday.  Just a couple of quick pictures!

Winter of 2015 - Pictures of Snow Piles in Charlestown

North Tri-Pyramid - February 1, 2015 (Superbowl Sunday!)

Scott digging a pit at about 2500 feet.  Looking stable at this point.

Looking up the slide before things opened up.  Right around here the stability changed and we headed back down.

Mt. Snow Cross Country Skiing - January 24, 2015

Turns out skinny skinny CC skis do not have edges.  Which makes even small inclines dangerous when the surface is a bit crusty!  But we survived and had a great day!

09 February 2015

Lamprey River - January 10, 2015

The two ice skating masters!

Nice looking rink!

The start of a two mile journey down the river!

Hillman's Highway - January 17, 2015

Technicolor dream coat: Standing up

16 January 2015